With less than thirty-six hours to go before the start of the XV IAAF World Championships being held in Beijing, China, Trinidad & Tobago’s pair of Rondell Sorrillo and Dan-Neil Telesford, have both been forced to pull out.
TTO’s team, Dr. Anyl Goopesingh, has indicated that Sorrillo’s injury was a grade 2 strain of the quadriceps and that is was a re-injury of the quads that first occurred three and a half months ago in Bahamas at the IAAF World Relays.
In the case of Telesford, he has a loose body in his left knee.
Sorrillo was schedule to run on Saturday morning at 7:20 (TT time) in the 100m dash, while Telesford was part of the relay pool.
According to a release from the Trinidad & Tobago federation, “with the departure of these two athletes, the men’s 4X100m relay pool has been depleted to a bare four (Bledman, Callender, Geaux, Thomas).”
“Notwithstanding, the mood of other team members remains quite upbeat. Some of them having already enjoyed significant success on the international (Pan Am, NACAC) circuit within recent weeks and this augurs well in terms of their preparation and expected performances in Beijing.