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Zuereb injected Sherone Simpson

Zuereb injected Sherone Simpson

KINGSTON, Jamaica – Jamaican sprinter Sherone Simpson testified today at her drug hearing that she was given injection by Canadian trainer Chris Zuereb.

Simpson, whose hearing started in January but was extended to today and tomorrow, said she received one injection from Zuereb. 

Asafa Powell, who along with Simpson tested positive for the same stimulant, oxilofrine (methylsynephrine) had testified last month that he got about four injections.

Dr Jephthah Ford, a member of the Jamaica Anti-Doping Disciplinary Panel, posed the question regarding the injection to Simpson.

Dr Ford asked Simpson what kind of injection did she received from Zuereb. And Simpson told the panel she received Actovegin.

The hearing is scheduled to end tomorrow.

Doping Control Officer Dr Paul Wright is expected to be called to the stand on the final day, while former acting executive director of the Jamaica Anti-Doping Commission Cathy Rattray Samuel will appear via Skype.


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