The Inter-Secondary Schools Sports Association (ISSA) is seeking feedback from coaches on the possibility of Champs 2021.
“The national COVID-19 protocols dictate that if Champs 2021 is to be a reality, then adjustments may have to be made to the general structure and scheduling of the meet,” Richard Thompson, chairman of the Champs Committee, in an email to coaches.
It’s behind this reality ISSA is asking coaches across Jamaica, to meet virtually in regions, to come up with ideas.
“Meet virtually amongst themselves and discuss possible suggestions as to what the 2021 ISSA/GraceKennedy Champs may look like in the context of COVID-19,” said Thompson in his email.
Thompson is asking these coaches to submit their suggestions to ISSA by October 2, 2020.
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I do not think there will be any champs the way how things are going with this hyping up about this fake virus which ent exist they are going to keep hyping and going has God is coming but let us just watch and see…..what next will bring..
We need champs
Yes we need it
No the virus is out same way
They could still have it, with limited seats if the virus calm down!
Dalton Richardson Yes No KC and Calabar.
Probably a scaled down version of Champs. Less schools, select events, less rounds.
Winston Dixon Trouble Dat….