Noah Lyles said he is still striving to take down Usain Bolt’s 19.19 200m world record.
At last month’s Inspiration Games, Lyles briefly appeared to have broken the record, stopping the clock at 18.90 seconds in the 200m.
However, it turned out he had only run 185 metres. His has personal best of 19.50.
“I still believe it is obtainable and I will keep striving for it each time I run,” he told BBC.
Lyles said he never believe for a second Bolt’s record was broken.
“Automatically I knew that time was not real,” he said. “I was just waiting for it to update and for someone to give us an answer that sounds legitimate.
“I was running into a negative 3.7 headwind; it had rained that day – I just knew it was not right.”
Bolt, in an NBC Sports interview last October, said: “A lot of people see it and feel like you show up and you just run fast. For me, throughout the season, I figured out what I needed to do. I didn’t run races because I wanted to run fast. I ran races to figure out how I needed to run the corner, my technique I needed to fix.
Lyles said “training has been going extremely well” and that he is “getting stronger and stronger.”
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Dreams!!! Dreams!!!
Noah does not want to break the record because of ambition. The Americanstoo cocky and just think that they should always be on top. No Jamaican go out saying they want to break anyone’s record. The swag that on the Jamaicans no has it. The world did not love Bolt for making records; they loved that he was.CLEAN, Charismatic and humble. He.focused on his own race knowing that his only.competiton was himself. When you start making others your competition, you lose sight of yourself. Noah is too eager to please and chats a little bit too much. SLOW YOUR ROLL. It is going to take 3 more generations before another Bolt is born.
He does not want to break the record because of ambition. The Americans just think they are the only ones must be on top so they are going to kill themselves to break Jamaican’s record. You never hear Jamaicans say they want to break records and even the ones who thought they could beat Bolt NEVER did. The athletic world did not only love that he made records; they loved him because he was CLEAN,charismatic and humble. NEVER paying the Americans any mind because he was his only competition. Noah is too eager to please others and chat just a little bit too much. SLOW YOUR ROLL AND FOCUS ON YOUR RACE. It is going to take 3 more generations before another BOLT is born.
He need to keep his eyes on his time smh
Focus on Michael Johnson American record first dude.. you have to get to that before u can get to the WR
Let’s get pass Blake’s 19.26 first!!
Don’t let Usain record force you to touch drugs
Hope dont end up like his country man, Tyson Gay
Nothing wrong with that; goals are great. 😎
You will be striving until eternity pal.
Yoh going to get injure if you try to get it. Let it come natrual just relax man.
It’s not time yet for that record to move
What’s the difference when Bolt had to break someone else’s records to become the icon he is today the best in the world always after time and gold idk why ppl get tight when Bolt’s records are mentioned 🤦♂️ 🤔 🤷🏾♂️
Barry Cooper true records are ment to be broken that’s the beauty of the sport
Barry Cooper you would never hear Sir Bolt say that though he just go out there and do the work ,they just love to talk and yes records can be btoken
Venoris Bryce the same way we all love to talk they dedicate their lives to this sport why can’t they talk about what they want to do 🤦♂️
Barry Cooper he didn’t think about breaking records he just run because he enjoined what he does
Sharon Brown the same way we all love to talk they dedicate their lives to this sport why can’t they talk about what they want to do 🤦♂️
Some mean people in this thread. We should be happy that Usain’s greatness inspires other black talented athletes to thrive for his success and even better it. Why do we hate ourselves so much?
Bolt did not go on the track saying I want to break anyone’s record. He ran because he loved it and it just happened. Noah just needs to enjoy himself on the track and it will just happen. His focus is too much on Bolt and breaking Bolt record. What are going to do Noah, run yourself into the ground just to break Bolt record. SMH
@Anita Shaw Exactly!, I don’t know why he’s so interested and so desperately want to break bolt’s record.. they need to learn from the best, they just come out and try to run and win a race.. bolt aim was always to come out to run and win a gold and not worry about time and records.. that’s why it not gonna happen with Lyle cause he worry too much about doing it, just don’t think about it and it will happen.. but on the other hand not saying records are not made to be broken but i don’t think bolt record gonna move any time soon,,maybe in a couple generation.
Let’s see how can I put this. Usain Bolt does not run any more. New people are the starts and someone will break Bolts records at some point. Stop putting people down who are active for someone is not active any more. You will kill the sport!!!
Kmt..shouldn’t he be thinking about passing Blake first..this is all hype..
Donovan Sterling hate to say it but Blake is not producing as expected since his sundry hamstring injuries. He’s had “enough” time for physical recovery but he’s not firing on all cylinders as he did before the injuries. Remember how explosive he was from any stage of either sprint? His average time is 10.00s. He struggled with 20.6s last week. Something is happening.
I believe they ment Yohan blake 200m which is the second fastest time is 19.26 passing it first before going after bolt record
He doesn’t want to get caught juicing again. Hence the slow times.
Suggest that he if he can
Start lowering his time progressively before heads over heels
Be smarter
He is so obsessed with that record.. focus on you and your fitness otherwise you take substance to push yourself. Wrong focus
I think 9.68 an you will be doing your best.
Persons believe you can come and break records like it’s nothing. Usain bolt record won’t be broken for awhile and not by noah lyles..
Dreams 😂 like Hilary
Drugs can take you there…you Americans are good at that
So are the Jamaicans. That’s why their 4×100 world record was taken away. Everyone except Bolt tested positive. I wonder why???
Lyles is the most exciting sprinter on the circuit. I am anxious to see him bring his 100m times down. The aspirations he holds for the 200m record is not achievable if he doesn’t. There are a number of technical fixes he needs to address also. His coaches are aware I’m sure. Interesting times ahead
Noah Lyles is joking not even 19.32 and 19.26 he cannot achieve he should talk to Michael Johnson and yohan Blake first
Idk why y’all are saying negative, mean things. Any athlete should have a sight on a record. Everyone wants to be the best and that should be the goal. Does that mean they’re gonna get it? Not always but why not want to be the Greatest of all time? Gives you something to strive for
Trackalerts once again on their quest to demonize Lyles with the provocative headlines. The athlete is not parading around talking about breaking the world record. Whenever he’s asked about it, he answers the way any ambitious athlete would/SHOULD respond. He never said that he’s better than Bolt, nor does he intend to take over his spot. He just thinks the record is achievable. He has the right mindset.
Shamoi Jelani Richards where did track alerts “demonize Lyles”?
He might not even get Michael Johnson’ record
Do you realize he got to keep his eyes on 19.18
Never happened.
Good luck he thinks he can replace bolt dominance and yes record were meant to broken but he thinks he’s best to ever do this
Where did he ever indicate that he’ll replace Bolt? I kindly beg y’all to start reading articles and not make comments based on the clickbait headlines. Bolt is irreplaceable.
Shamoi Jelani Richards ok not in this post Mr sir but if you been following him that’s mission and fyi this lady Cannot be no clickbait I’m real tracks fan
Donna Flawless Dee I’ve come across numerous interviews too, and he has stated categorically that he cannot replace Bolt. Bolt created his own legacy, and he (Lyles) can only create his. The only thing he would suggest (which is based on the question he’s asked), he can fill the void left in Bolt’s absence – in other words, take up the mantle.
Shamoi Jelani Richards he cannot fill the void, nor take up the mantle. He is just for a time and will fade away….
Donna Flawless Dee this dude is on a mission
Okay great but im watching this dude from Penn relay days now he’s got agent so he knows how say the right thing and I know what mantle means in this case he can never ever take up that mantle or attract the crowd bolt did
Remain positive and continue to work hard and things will come into fruition.
This is for any aspiring athlete.
Try 19:39 First
Wanki Calix toi tu vois le clash partout ? 🤣🤣
Il faut l’encourager 😁
Jp Laouna you defend all the time too you this black American😂😂😂
Just accept us the way we are and carry our bags
Wanki Calix records are made to be broken, we can’t denied what Bolt made, but with improvement all is possible
Wanki Calix let him pass the beast time FIRST then talk to me .
Keep dreaming, practice running 200 meters not 170 or 180 🙄🙄🙄
It might be extremely hard, but nothing is impossible.
Hoping he might wake up from his long dream
Some people didn’t even know when Blake ran 19.26 he could have broken the record if he had a good start.
Nav Walker same as bolt making 18:57 of he got a perfect start
Nav Walker really
Wanki Calix yea all that to
Jp Laouna yup? Go back to that race and look at his reaction time out the blocks comparing to belt’s own or even the average reaction time from other athletes who ran good times
Jp Laouna oh ok. The slowest reaction ever run I think by a elite
Wanki Calix it’s not a poor start which came make you remove a half second on 200m
Nav Walker i say really because i agree with you, Blake had a poor start during that race
Nav Walker . Blake got hurt not long after and has never been the same. Trained too hard.
Yeaaa…. We can all make assumptions til thy Kindom come, at the end of the day the record remains 19.19.
We could just as easily say, if Bolt had remotely the positive wind Blake had that day (+0.7), Bolt would have ran 18.xx secs, since he did that 19.19 into a negative wind (-0.3), which is a much bigger deal for the 200m than a “suboptimal start”.
Blake also got busted for steroids..
Never happened.
Nav Walker that was Blake’s best and last…he feeded on bolts energy, and now bolt is gone and he’s alone in the wilderness. Always wanted to prove to bolt, but where is he now? Trying to find himself. Smh
Wayne G Beckford yea true. He over trained because of hard ears
Germaine Fite yea not before he ran the PB
Avonne Clemetson that a true. He was trying to jump the gun. He should’ve been humble
Nav Walker this dude people bragging about, even if he broke the record, he wouldn’t be a constant memory. He would fade away like a shooting star and Bolts achievements will forever outshine his…
Records are meant to be broken. But, can he? He believes so yes. Nothing nuh wrong with that. With his race strategy or starting slow and pick up back in the race won’t break the record. He would have to balance both. And start consistent over the 100m
Hope he don’t strain himself and drop down
My 👀 are on it too. Whose eyes aren’t?
Watch an see 19.13/19.15
Shaw Ricardo with a +20 wind reading 😂😂
His PB is 19,50,no chances even sub 19,30
Well, like everybody else, that’s all he can do 🤔
Only way to beat this record is to lay low 90% of the season boost up on every drug imaginable and then come out at championships time
He need to keep his Eye on 19:50
Neilon Joseph … If he improve his first 100, yes he could….and He is faster than bolt in the last 50m during his 19’50
Just like bolt. Run crappy all season, then break world records. Hummmmmm????
Njaka Rampy , you are wrong about that
Merrick Forrest … Why???
Merrick Forrest explain
Njaka Rampy faster than Bolt last 50? Have you watched the 19:19 race?
Merrick Forrest . Okay. Bolt 19″19 split 50m:5’60, 100m:9’92, 150m:14″44 then the last 50m: 4″75 .Lyles 19″50 split 50m: 5″80, 100m: 10’20, 150m:. 14″80 then his last 50m : 4″70 (0,05 faster than Bolt) that’s why I say he must improve his first 100m.
Njaka Rampy SMH 😒😒