Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce and Elaine Thompson-Herah won their respective heats at Saturday’s (8 Aug) Velocity Fest 4 as track and field returned to the National Stadium.
Fraser-Pryce, running in heat 2, recorded the fastest time of 11.28 seconds into a negative 2.7m/s wind. Natasha Morrison was second to Fraser-Pryce in 11.77s.
In heat 3, Thompson-Herah was easy in 11.41 against a negative 1.0m/s wind. Shashalee Forbes finished second in 11.48.
1 Fraser-Pryce, Shelly-Ann Nike 11.28 -2.7 2
2 Thompson-Herah, Elaine Mvp Track & Fiel 11.41 -1.0 3
3 Forbes, Shashalee Sprintec Track Club 11.48 -1.0 3
4 Morrison, Natasha Sprintec Track Club 11.77 -2.7 2
5 Cameron, Kasheika Mvp Track & Fiel 11.83 -1.0 3
6 Nanda, Srabani Mvp Track & Fiel 11.88 -1.0 3
7 Harriott, Michae GC Foster College 12.19 -2.7 2
8 Curtis, Samantha Pelicans Track Club 12.57 -5.5 1
9 Clarke, Dominique Unattached 12.71 -5.5 1
10 Laidlaw, Kristen Mvp Track & Fiel 13.11 -5.5 1
In the men’s event, Oshane Bailey recorded the fastest time of 10.30 (-0.7m/s wind). Tyquendo Tracey, the heat 4 winner in 10.34, is the day’s second fastest so far. Tracey ran against a negative 3.2m/s wind.
Nigel Ellis, 10.35, Romario Williams, 10.37 and Nesta Carter, 10.48 were the top finishers.
1 Bailey, Oshane Sprintec Track Club 10.30 -0.7 3
2 Tracey, Tyquendo Tumbleweed 10.34 -3.2 4
3 Ellis, Nigel Mvp Track & Fiel 10.35 -0.7 3
4 Williams, Romario GC Foster College 10.37 -3.2 4
5 Carter, Nesta Mvp Track & Fiel 10.48 -3.2 4
6 Barnes, Emre Mvp Track & Fiel 10.50 -0.7 3
7 Rodney, Brendon Sprintec Track Club 10.66 -0.7 3
8 Barnswell, Ramone Mvp Track & Fiel 10.72 -3.2 2
9 Goldson, Khadrian GC Foster College 10.72 -3.2 2
10 Gayle, Tajay Mvp Track & Fiel 10.74 -3.2 2
11 Green, Kemar Mvp Track & Fiel 10.76 -0.2 1
12 Callender, Emmanuel Pelicans Track Club 10.81 -3.2 2
13 Rowe, Samuel Titans 10.82 -3.2 4
14 Rawlins, Javon GC Foster College 11.04 -0.2 1
-- Nagarkoti, Sunil Pelicans Track Club DNF -0.2 1
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That’s nothing
Track and field future is bright these young ladies are super superstars
The times wherd 10.87 and 10.88
Patrick Bailliu I thought so
Patrick Bailliu more like it
Our team jamaica is coming back. Yeah
Congratulations to shelly and Thompson
Preparation is the key for the challenges ahead.I wished you ladies good health.That is most important thing right now.
Thompson was jogging
Michael Boateng she dont like running against her friend after shelly retire she will bloom
Wendy Wright
But Shelly can never beat Thompson free from injury
Nonsense. Shelly is the better 100m sprinter.
Michael Boateng I guess you’re a God since you know that 🤨. I love both of them and anything is possible.
Michael Boateng you do know both of them PB are the same right? And Shelly has run more sub 10.80 than Thompson since Thompson came into the picture? !
Best wishes ladies! Keep at it…🔥🔥😎
Michael Boateng really
Ramone Jackson
Michael Boateng let see next year