Experience the Olympics Anywhere
Telecommunications firm FLOW’s FlowRio2016Extra App for mobile devices goes live on August 2. Flow customers will have yet another exciting option to experience the Olympic Games, as the firm which is the ‘Official Broadcast Partner of Rio 2016 Olympic Games’ – announced that the app for mobile devices is now available in the Android and Apple Store.
The FlowRio2016Extra App goes live on August 2 and will have live Olympic content starting on August 6 and is the latest option for customers, as the Company continues its renewed focus on innovation and providing customers with the very best Olympics experience. “With the Olympic Games now only days away, we are very excited, as our athletes are expected to bring home yet another big medal haul. This app is one of the numerous ways in which are providing exciting options for customers to enjoy the world’s most anticipated sporting event,” said Carlo Redwood, VP Marketing & TV at FLOW.
“The FlowRio2016Extra App is the final and most major activation that we are delivering to bring the Olympics to life, right in the palm of the customers’ hands,” Redwood points out. By downloading the app to their smart devices, customers will have exclusive access to live and on-demand Olympic content. This is the ‘on-the-go alternative’ to the Flow Sports Olympic daily broadcast and will be available on mobile and desktop devices.
The App includes features such as, up-to-the-minute stats and 24/7 streaming of non-stop Olympic action; real time Olympics news highlights and video clips helping fans to catch up or relive each moment; athlete biographies and photo galleries to get up close and personal with the stars, and an interactive medals table so fans can track their country’s ranking. The App also gives fans interactive social media access so they can post, share, like, tweet and even comment on their favourite performance.
So far, the company has also launched three Olympic channels (Olympic 1 – 691, Olympic 2 – 692, Olympic 3 – 693 on FLOW’s Legacy Cable System and Olympic 1 – 691, Olympic 2 – 692, Olympic 3 – 693 on FLOW’s Horizon Cable System) as a complement to the extensive coverage, including commentary that will be carried on the FLOW Sports Network. The three dedicated channels will be available free of cost for all FLOW TV customers. These also join other initiatives to complete the FLOW ‘Olympic’ experience including an Olympic microsite that gives Flow customers information on all things Olympics. The FlowRio2016Extra microsite mirrors the app features while also allowing customers to subscribe for daily email alerts, keep track ofFlow’s Brand Ambassador Athletes and view all #FlowToRio content, so they can retrace Flow’s journey to the Olympics.
The company also launched competitions which rewarded lucky customers with a trip to the Olympic Games and LED TVs as well as executed several fan engagement events across the country.
Starting on August 2, FLOW will also be offering its mobile data customers a 50% top up in megabytes for every 7 and 30 day data plan purchase. This Redwood says “will give them more than enough access to FLOW’s 4G network to enjoy the games while on the go”.
To download the interactive app on smartphones, tablets or other smart devices, if they don’t already have a FlowID, customers will first need to take a simple step to set up their own personal Flow ID, after which they can freely access the App.