Day Three Evening Schedule
8:30pm Men’s High jump-Qualifying
(2.31m or at least 12 best advance to the FINALS)
Group A
Fourteenth to jump-Trevor Barry (BAH)
Group B
Tenth to jump-Jamal Wilson (BAH), Twenty-first to jump-Donald Thomas (BAH)
8:35pmWomen’s 400m-Semifinals
(First 2 in each heat and next 2 fastest advance to FINALS)
Heat One: lane 5-Stephenie Ann McPherson (JAM)
Heat Two: lane 6-Shericka Jackson (JAM)
Heat Three: lane 4-Shaunae Miller (BAH), lane 5-Christine Day (JAM)
8:55pm Women Triple jump finals
Sixth to jump-Kimberly Williams (JAM)
9:00am Men’s 100m-Semifinals
(First 2 in each heat and next 2 fastest advance to FINALS later in the evening)
Heat One: lane 4-Nickel Ashmeade (JAM)
Heat Two: lane 2-Cejhae Greene (ANT), lane 2-Kim Collins (SKN), lane 6-Usain Bolt (JAM)
Heat three: lane 4-Yohan Blake (JAM), lane 8-Daniel Bailey (ANT)
10:00am Men’s 400m finals
lane 3-Machel Cedenio (TTO), lane 4-Bralon Taplin (GRN), lane 6-Kirani James (GRN)