Twenty schools from the parishes of St. Thomas, Portland, St. Mary, rural St. Andrew and east rural St. Catherine will participate in some 80 events at the ESSSA/ JNBS Track and Field Championships to be held March 3 and 4 at the National Stadium in St. Andrew.
The 2014 contenders include Defending Champions, Buff Bay High School in Portland and 2013 Runners-Up and 16-time Champions, Oberlin High School from rural St. Andrew; 2013 Third Place finishers, St. Mary High School and 2009 Champions, Glengoffe High from St. Catherine. Morant Bay and Yallahs high schools from St. Thomas also pose strong competition.
The two- day Meet, being sponsored by JNBS for the 28th consecutive year, is a qualifier for the ISSA Boys’ and Girls’ Championships and has become a prime event for sporting officials scouting talent; as many participants move on to represent Jamaica at the national and international levels.
This year’s Eastern Champs will see the reintroduction of a cheerleading competition sponsored by JNBS and an improved entertainment package for patrons.