By Vijay, Trackalerts.Com Writer
Usain Bolt was named Sportsman of the Year 2013, but according to the world's track & field superstar, Real Madrid’s striker Cristiano Ronaldo is his pick for that title.
Bolt, in a question and answer interview with Italian paper La Gazzetta dello Sport, said: "For me it is Cristiano Ronaldo – he had a great season".
Bolt made it clear he is a big fan of Barcelona’s Lionel Messi, but said the Argentine forward had "had a difficult last few months" He still believes "Messi is a fantastic player – one of the best ever"
As he did to exclude himself, Bolt also picked tennis star Serena Williams over compatriot Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce as the Sportswoman of the year.
Bolt and Fraser-Pryce were named Sportsman and Sportswoman of the year by AIPS, the association of international sports journalists.
He also picked Bayern Munich over his club Manchester United.
"Even though I support Manchester United I think Bayern Munich were the team of the year this year – they won 5 major trophies including three domestic competitions, the Champions League and the World Club Cup – and their style of football was very impressive".